How to Do an In-Depth Technical SEO Audit

Written by Jehadul Islam on 16 February 2023

Are you looking to get the most out of your website's SEO? If so, then a technical SEO audit is one of the best ways to ensure that your site is performing well. 

A technical SEO audit is when you check your website to see if everything is working well from a technical point of view. This includes looking at things like the way pages are set up, the content, and how search engines find and use your site.

The goal is to make sure your website is good for both users and search engines. By doing this type of audit, you can find and fix any problems.

In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at what goes into conducting a successful technical SEO audit.

How to Do an In-Depth Technical SEO Audit


Trying to gather the necessary tools and resources is the first step in conducting a technical SEO audit. Depending on your needs, some of the most popular auditing tools include Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMRush. Before selecting the best tool for your needs, it's critical to understand its features and capabilities.

After choosing the necessary tools, it is critical to establish a method for tracking progress and documenting findings throughout the audit process. This could involve making a spreadsheet or using project management software like Trello or Asana. This will assist you in keeping track of any issues or areas for improvement discovered during the audit process. When conducting an SEO audit, it is also critical to identify your website's target audience and their search intent.

Knowing who you want to reach with your SEO efforts will help you make sure that any changes or improvements you make are tailored to them. During the audit process, knowing what the user wants will also help you decide how to use keywords and optimize content.

Lastly, it's important to know the scope of the audit before starting. Do you want to optimize a whole website? Or is it just certain pages or sections? Knowing what needs to be audited from the start will save time and help you focus on what needs to be done.

On-page optimization:

A technical SEO plan should address on-page optimization. It analyzes and optimizes a website's pages to make them search engine-friendly. On-page optimization audit steps include:

Technical SEO audits require on-page optimization. It analyzes and optimizes a website's pages to make them search engine-friendly. On-page optimization audit steps include:

Check your pages' titles and meta descriptions and tweak them as needed: Search engines rely heavily on the page title and meta description to get a sense of the page's content. It is crucial to make sure that these are optimized for the target keywords and accurately reflect the page's content.

Fix any broken links you find: They can ruin your user experience and your search engine rankings. It is absolutely necessary to repair any broken internal or external links during an audit.

auditing pages and links for SEO
auditing pages and links for SEO

Examine and improve headings (H1, H2, etc.): Headings assist search engines in better understanding a web page's structure and provide additional context about its content. Search engine optimization (SEO) audits should include checking all headings for proper optimization.

Check for and fix duplicate content: Duplicate content (both plagiarism and canonical issues) can have a negative effect on search engine rankings; therefore, it is important to search for and remove any duplicate content during an audit.

Analyze and optimize images (file names, alt tags): Images are an essential component of any website and should be optimized for SEO. This means making sure that the file names are accurate and that all of the images have the right alt tags.

Review and optimize the internal linking structure: Internal links are an important part of the architecture of a website because they help search engines understand how pages relate to one another. It is critical to review the existing internal link structure and ensure that relevant pages are properly linked together during the audit process.

By doing a thorough audit of these on-page elements, you can improve your search engine rankings and make the most of your site.

Off-page optimization

Off-page optimization is an important part of any technical SEO audit. It involves analyzing and optimizing aspects of a website that are not directly associated with the website, such as backlinks and other external signals. Several of the steps involved in auditing for off-page optimization include the following:

Learn from the website's backlink profile: Backlinks are one of the most important factors in SEO rankings, so it's critical to examine a website's current backlink profile during the audit process. This includes looking at the number and quality of links that lead to the site as well as any unusual factors that may be affecting its rankings.

Search for and remove any spammy or low-quality links: Low-quality or spammy links can have a negative impact on SEO rankings, so it's critical to look for them and disavow them.

Identify link-building opportunities: Identifying potential opportunities for link building, such as guest blogging or directory submissions, is critical during the audit process. This can help improve the overall visibility and search engine rankings of the website.

By carefully checking these off-page elements, you can make sure that your site is properly optimized for higher search engine rankings.

Mobile optimization

Mobile optimization is an important part of any technical SEO audit because it helps make sure that a website is easy for mobile users to access and works well for them. The steps of auditing for mobile optimization are as follows:

Test the website's mobile-friendliness using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test: The first step is to use Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to determine whether a website is mobile-friendly. This test determines whether a website is mobile-friendly, which includes things like readable text and easily tappable links.

Check for and fix mobile usability issues: After running the Mobile Friendly Test, it is important to check for any other potential usability issues that may affect the user experience on mobile devices. This should be done as soon as possible after the mobile-friendly test has been run. Among these are ensuring that the font size, tap targets, button placement, and navigation menus are all set up in the most effective manner for users whose screens are on the smaller side.

Analyze and optimize mobile website loading speed: In order to optimize your website's performance, you must first determine how quickly it loads on various types of mobile devices. Slow page loading times can have a negative impact on the user experience and lead to lower conversion rates, so it's critical to identify and address any potential bottlenecks in page loading times.

Analyze analytics data relating to user behavior on various types of devices: Monitoring analytics data relating to user behavior on various types of devices is also important in order to identify areas where improvements can be made when optimizing for mobile users.

This includes tracking metrics like bounce rate and time spent on site across various types of devices to gain insights into how users interact with your content across platforms.

During a technical SEO audit, if you follow these steps, your website will be fully optimized for both desktop and mobile users. This will improve your search engine rankings and make it easier for visitors on all platforms to convert.

Indexing and crawlability:

In Google Search Console, look for and fix crawl errors: The first step in determining a website's indexing and crawlability is to search Google Search Console for any potential crawl errors. This can assist in identifying broken links, 404 errors, and redirects that need to be fixed. It is critical to regularly monitor the data available in Google Search Console in order to quickly identify any potential problems.

Examine the XML Sitemap and the Robots.txt file on the website: After addressing any potential crawl errors, it's important to check the website's XML sitemap and robots.txt file to ensure that all of your website's pages are correctly indexed. This includes ensuring that the sitemap is up-to-date and that any unnecessary pages are excluded from indexing.

Examine and Correct Canonicalization Issues: Canonicalization issues occur when multiple versions of a website's URL exist, which can lead to duplicate content issues if not addressed properly. Check for and resolve any canonicalization issues to ensure that only one version of each page is indexed by search engines.

Security Check for and Install an SSL Certificate:  The first step in assessing a website's security is to look for and install an SSL certificate, if one is not already present. An SSL certificate aids in the encryption of data sent from the user's browser to the server, protecting it from malicious attacks.

Test for and Repair Mixed Content Issues: Another critical step in ensuring website security is to identify and correct any potential mixed content issues. Mixed content issues occur when a webpage is loaded both securely (via HTTPS) and insecurely (via HTTP), which can potentially lead to malicious attacks exploiting security vulnerabilities.

Check for and Correct Vulnerabilities: A thorough technical SEO audit should include a review of the website's overall security, such as looking for outdated software or insecure passwords that could lead to potential vulnerabilities being exploited. It is critical to regularly monitor your website's security to ensure that any potential problems are identified and resolved before they become major problems.

How to Assess the Success of Your SEO Audit

Measuring the success of an SEO audit is critical for ensuring that the changes made during the audit are beneficial to your website. You can use several key metrics to assess the success of your SEO audit, including:

Organic Traffic: Increased organic traffic is one of the primary benefits of an SEO audit, which can be tracked using Google Analytics or other analytics tools.

Rankings: Tracking your website's rankings before and after the SEO audit is an excellent way to gauge progress. To track changes in rankings over time, use a tool like Ahrefs.

Conversions: Measuring conversions, such as sales or sign-ups, is another excellent way to assess the success of an SEO audit. Keeping track of conversions will help you determine whether your changes are having a positive impact on your bottom line.

By tracking these metrics, you can gain a better understanding of how successful your SEO audit was and make any necessary changes moving forward. An effective SEO audit should increase your company's visibility, rankings, organic traffic, and, ultimately, conversions.

What is the cost of an SEO audit?

The size and complexity of your website, as well as the tools required to complete the audit, determine the cost. In general, you can expect to pay between $200 and $1000 for a comprehensive SEO audit.

Pricing is based on things like how many pages your site has, how many services are included in the audit, and how many hours it takes to finish the audit. It's also important to think about the long-term benefits of a well-executed SEO audit, such as higher rankings and increased website traffic. When calculating the cost of an SEO audit, these factors should be considered.

Finally, an investment in a thorough SEO audit can result in higher search engine rankings, more website visitors, and increased sales.

When should an SEO audit be conducted?

An SEO audit should be performed on a regular basis to ensure that the website is search engine optimized. It is critical to conduct an audit because search engine algorithms change frequently, and what worked last year may not work this year. It is best to conduct the audit at least once every six months or so to ensure the most accurate results.

What are the five SEO components?

SEO is made up of five parts: keyword optimization, content optimization, link building, technical optimization, and local SEO.

keyword Optimization is the process of researching and selecting keywords that are relevant to the content of a website and then optimizing the content of the website to include those keywords.

The process of improving a website's content to make it more valuable to users and more likely to appear in search engine rankings is known as "content optimization. This could include creating new content, rewriting existing content, or incorporating new media such as videos or images.

Link building is the process of establishing relationships with other websites, typically via backlinks, in order to improve a website's ranking in search engine results.

Technical optimization is the process of ensuring that a website meets the technical standards set by search engines in order for it to be properly indexed. This means checking for broken links and other problems that could stop a website from being indexed correctly.

Local SEO is the process of optimizing a website for local searches, such as searches for local businesses or services. This generally entails ensuring that the website contains accurate information about its location and other pertinent details.

Bottom Line

A thorough technical SEO audit is an important step in optimizing any website for higher search engine rankings. To ensure that all relevant elements are properly optimized, it is critical to analyze both on-page and off-page elements.

Following these steps will ensure that your website is performing optimally and will assist you in achieving the highest possible search engine rankings. Best wishes!

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